Reach and frequency reports (Google Ads)

The Reach and Frequency report, located in the Dimensions section, provides insights into the potential audience exposure to your ads. It displays the number of individuals who might see your ads and the average number of times a unique user is shown the ad.

On January 28, 2015, this report was discontinued and is no longer available in Google Ads. Instead, a column with reach data has been introduced, showing the number of unique cookies (users) and average frequency. Nonetheless, the insights derived from this article may still be relevant [January 2024].

To learn more about reach and frequency reporting in Google Ads, please read this Google Ads help article.

This report specifically includes data from the Display Network, highlighting impressions, clicks, and conversions. However, it excludes data from Search Network campaigns. Impressions, clicks, and conversions from Video campaigns are also integrated into this report.

The term ‘Unique users’ in the context of frequency 8 or more can be somewhat misleading. It doesn’t imply that 4,193,839 users viewed the ad 8 or more times. Instead, this figure aggregates the number of users who saw the ad 8, 9, 10, etc., times. Since the count of users who viewed the ad n times also encompasses those who saw it n+1 times, this metric doesn’t provide a clear understanding of individual user behaviour. ‘Impressions’ might be a more appropriate term in this context.

So, how should one interpret this data? What insights can be gleaned from the Reach and Frequency report? What constitutes an optimal frequency? How can frequency capping be effectively combined with CPC bid management?

Our article delves into interpreting reach and frequency data in Google AdWords (today: Google Ads) display campaigns and practical applications of this information.

The article is available to download here



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